The Fitchburg Chamber represents some of Dane County’s most influential corporate leaders; mid‐level managers; small business owners; entrepreneurs; young professionals; educators and; community and civic organizations.
With over 400 member businesses and over 40 networking and business development events each year, your membership will expand your networks, build partnerships and grow your business.
Don’t take it from us, see what our members say about us:
"It's a wonderful way to connect the business world with the community and collaborate! With the amount of manufacturing, technology and engineering companies in Fitchburg, it has become a hub for business growth!"
-Jack, Corporate Business Systems
"There is a diverse group of business owners, leaders and professionals who are active members and look to help each other and improve the community. There is a great advantage to utilizing the business networks that can develop by joining the Fitchburg Chamber!"
-Lane, ReMax Preferred Real Estate
Upcoming Networking Events:
April 7th
Business Before Nine
Join us this April at Fitchburg Chamber’s BB9 for “Cyber Security in 2020” with Jeff Kurek, VP of Information and Cyber Security at Park Bank.
April 16th
Fitchburg Business Expo
Over 60 businesses will showcase their goods & services at the Wyndham Garden on April 16th. Make new connections and expand your networks. Free admission and all are welcome to attend!
May 5th
Speed Networking
Get ready to kick off May with a solid morning of speed networking! Join us for Speed Networking and expand your network. Be sure to bring plenty of business cards!