The Fitchburg Community and Economic Development Authority is excited to announce its first Forward Fitchburg Biz Boost Loan to Heritage Catering LLC.
On Wednesday, July 15th Mayor Aaron Richardson presented Daniel Fox, of Heritage Catering LLC, a check in the amount of $7,500 to assist Heritage with costs related to relaunching his business due to COVID.
The Fitchburg Biz Boost Loan program is still accepting applications. The applications are due on the 15th of each month and will continue until all funds are allocated or until December 15th. The loan guidelines have been slightly modified so please read them carefully as your business may have not been eligible before but might now qualify. Please direct any questions on the program to Michael Zimmerman michael.zimmerman@fitchburgwi.gov or Joyce Frey joyce.frey@fitchburgwi.gov at the City of Fitchburg.